Saturday, February 24, 2007

Blame Brandon

Ok, you all can blame Brandon, affectionately known as BS, for the title of this blog. I had a couple of choices, but he thought that "Insipid Garbage" would be best. He's seen my stuff, I guess he believes in truth in advertising.

And, you can blame him if I post here more. He's inspired me to post more on this thing and to keep it more up to date. What, 2 posts in 2 months is not enough?

I normally hate it when people go on and on about their big step in entering the blogosphere and all the soul-searching that goes along with it, so I'll not do that.

Besides, I'm heading out to get some Famous Dave's barbecue!

Oh, and check out Brandon's blog at


Walls Down Church Kids said...

Welcome! OK--I'll blame Brandon, as long as you never use the word
"snarky" in any comment you might leave on my site! ;)

Badger said...

Thanks, Rindy, you are the first to grace my blog with a comment, except for myself, that is (and how sad is that)?

But, no "snarky"? That's one of my favorite words!

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Ooops, my bad on the previously deleted comment.

What I said was:

"Don't blame it on me, Rindy. Blame it on the rain.

Glad to have you in the blogosphere, Badger. You'll never get out alive."

Brandon the Blamed